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2 sonic covers

Alright, which faker are YOU? Confronting yourself but FleetWay super sonic and Fatal Error sing it.

I found you faker, bring your faker friend. We'll both take you down! Cross console clash but Xenophanes, Knuckles.EXE, SSS Sonic, and Bf sing it

Uncorrupting the universe. Deathmatch but Different corrupted characters sing it (yes blantados is here, he has a corrupted form and theres only like 3 corruption mods on funkipedia okay?)

Senpai takes the bf sections. Remiagined bside bf takes pico section (use the mike geno voice). Blantados takes skids section. and Takeover boyfriend takes the mommy mearest section.

dd gets uncorrupted throughout the song

Accelerant but its the Raid on AmbleLake


0:06 Yellow vs OswaldLuck


0:17 FPS vs OswaldLuck


0:23 Scott vs Chitoz


0:27 Moonling vs AlienLad


0:30 Moonling vs Cheese


0:33 Gem Soip vs Cheese


0:40 Gem Soip vs Logger


0:46 Deidk vs Eidk


0:53 Deidk vs Lagstep


0:58 Demon Meri vs Kevin


1:04 EEGGEE vs 3er

1:16 Scott 

1:22 Fleetguy vs 3er


Demon Meri then strikes Fleetguy (and by extension EEGGEE) down

Scott: "EEGGEE!"


1:29 Demon Meri vs Scott


right at 1:34 Demon Meri Screams and flies into Scott, sending both off screen.


1:35 FPS vs Lagstep


1:38 Gem Soip and Moonling vs Kevin and Cheese


1:41 Deidk vs Alien Lad


1:48 FPS vs Logger


1:52 Yellow vs OswaldLuck


Song Inspiration

(1 edit)

Jesus I can only imagine how long this took, good work my G. Even putting in the damn TIME STAMPS. And the switch of Scott helping solely because of EEGGEE getting hurt was genius.

fps sighting

You guys like bug omelets?

Image result for bfb cringe


best trollface mod

Worship but everyone wants to kick Yellow out.






































Song idea came from this

Hello everyone, I'm wanting to add more villains to the CTPverse, so if you have a character that you think would be a good villain in the CTPverse then please supply a short personality description, significant traits (weaknesses, weapon of choice, etc.), and finally it is required you supply an image of said character. NOTE IF YOUR CHARACTER DOESN'T GET CHOSEN, ITS NOTHING PERSONAL AND ALSO DESIGN I MAKE MAY NOT BE 100% ACCURATE TO YOUR DESIGN. 


hes an evil twin of eidk he is evil and he will do anything and get out of his way just to tear out someones organs. he does not feel shame or sadness he only feels evil inside. he was created inside a lab when eidk was captured by someone. being created as a doppelganger but gone wrong. instead came a weird pentagon headed person with skinny limbs named deidk. he stabbed eidk but eidk had the upper hand. his weakness is another pentagon other than him. they are disobediant. his weapon of choice is a giant sledgehammer.

this is the best i can draw


Human form

The names, FPS Counter.

Yet another clone of Lagstep.

Basically wanting to stop him (or kill him.) Him weakness is fucking electricity. (wait don't fuck the electricity AAH) Weapon of choice: A Sword. His favorite food is mash potatoes & Gravy.

P.S. The glasses come off in serious situations. Ex: The last game of SQUID GAMES! !

the moonlings (this is pretty long so if you dont have the time to read all of this then read all of it when you have more freetime, sorry)

personality: very vengeful and will do anything to find their dad.

weakness: sudden bursts of light

weapon of choice: when they find a battle axe, they automatically use it, but when they can't find an axe, they just use their hands

favorite food: spaghetti

backstory: when the earth was created, some species on the earth were hit by a green glowing asteroid, mutating the anomalies into the moonlings that cannot die from old age. their father was sadly killed in the explosion and when the earth evolved, the moonlings made it to the moon, giving them the "moonlings" name. as they evolved over time, the moonlings could merge into eachother to make a stronger entity. they will do ANYTHING, and i mean ANYTHING to find their father again, without knowing that he had died over 600 million years ago.

image of a moonling:

I just want another Meri but she has the personality of Robotnik in AOSTH

"Oh boy, I'm gonna make some file explorer stew"

this man is cool

"Give him back, you mutated-tailed bitch."

Happiness but Acid Refuge and Aetrul sing it


When I see a gay furry trying to flirt with me online:

why is meri on so often now

because i am

Hey guys look! It's daveguy!

who let this come to life

this-... nevermind

its basically cool guy but now he actually has normal eyes and he on a wheelchair

so yeah

also why does the mic look like a pin

"normal eyes" okay buddy

who the hell let the mexican elephant back

(2 edits)

idk, luego viene tak a joderme XD, y dirán ¨es que tu eres pedofilo¨ no sabia cuantos años tenia meri, ni me gusto su mod, y perdona ok, yo solo lo había hecho por que era la única mujer de server XD

I used google translate and still don't understand what you mean

same here

for more context,here's the translated version:

idk, then tak comes to fuck me XD, and they will say "you are a pedophile" I didn't know how old meri was, I didn't like her mod, and sorry ok, I had only done it because I was the only woman on the server XD



he was probably referring to me and said I instead of she,although that's what I think


"LITTLE ONE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU'RE GETTING INTO." "Shut the fuck up you cringy fatal error ripoff" Crazy, but Error Cheese and Sushi sing it


(2122) Estoy Funado - Rayman / Letra Español - YouTube

Ultimate Demise - Nightmare Run But Henry Stickmin Sings it


The BF Showdown - Challeng-EDD but Every BF Mod + Sky and Ski Sing it

Sushi. (Little Man but Sushi and Cheese sing it)

Fun facts about sushi:

-He is 5 years old

-He is 4 inches tall

-His favorite video game is Sonic the Hedgehog and he HATES Nintendo with a burning passion

-He has a sonic oc that is just a green sonic that eats chicken and nothing else

-His favorite food is rocks

man's the size of a jakks pacific modern sonic figure


idk sonic action figures were on my mind

watch out

Two on one. Broken Inside but CrazyGuy, Coolguy, and FleetGuy sing it.



Unique Lyrics.

0:18 FleetGuy: "Alright Greyscale, let's see what you got" *Swaps to FleetGuy*

0:38 FleetGuy: "Mwah hah hah hah!" (this would be on beat with the instrumental)

1:03 Coolguy: "ALRIGHT!" *Swaps to Coolguy*

1:35 FleetGuy: "RRRAAAHHH!" *Swaps to FleetGuy*

1:58: Coolguy: "Come on, Bring it!" *Swaps to Coolguy*

2:14 FleetGuy: "Nice, keep it up Coolguy!"


Broken inside is unacknowledged most of the time

An Unlikely Hero... Manifest but Aetrul and Fleetguy sing it.


Deleted 2 years ago

Cover (made by aetrul, me, :] )

why fleetguy sound like garret

damn bruh 😭😭

wait you make actual songs now?

always have been




I dont get it

remember when yellow vandalized the wiki? 

When he put f@GG0t on everyone's page?

no. I never saw

(1 edit) my new guilded server if u wanna join (ur not forced to)

Triple Way-Fracture:

Nightmare Run but the Indie Cross Trio Sing it

CTP fnf idles 2



Alien Lad








Gem Soip


Angry Logger



Awww, you even did the pruple microphone, sweet!




Stoppppp making fun of me. I was drunk

Omnipresent, Re-trul'd.

Coolguy's Omnipresent. Re-trul'd.

Eeggee's Omnipresent Re-trul'd

I saw this in a dream yesterday, what the fuck... 

(1 edit)

happens to me

nice drawings

thanks :]


Stories From the Ctp Archives... Entry #4, The VHS Trope Story... 

So: Ok Coolguy, it's 3am, you have the stupid fucking tape correct...?


Ae: I still have no idea why you're so... Excited...?

C: BECAUSE! The last people who viewed this "cursed tape" DIED! Do you know what that means!?

Ae: That we're gonna kill ourselves, or be skinned or possessed or some stupid shit like that? 

C: NOO! Obviously the ways the last known three people to watch the tape died in such normal ways that it's a coincidence! Think about it, heat stroke, car and then died in hospital, and then diabetus killing the last one!

So: Those things shouldn't be normalized...

C: My bad.

Ae: So are we gonna watch the stupid thing or sit here and speak until it hits 4'o'fucking A.M?


So: this... Won't end excellent will it...





C: Well that sucked, wasn't even scary.

Ae: I know right, well I'm going to bed.

C: See y'all in the morn'.

Ae: Stop that.

C: What?

Ae: "morn'"


Ae: see ya! ... Soip you coming?

So: I'll walk home...


ring-a-rong ring-a-rong ring-a-rong

Ae: Good morning Soip!

So: He- Hey uh Aetrul I need you to come over to [CENSORED] immediately o- okay!?

Ae: Uh... Alright then?




Ae: Alright Soip, what's up?

So: Look, don't freak out... But I need you to look in that storage unit...

Ae: Okay, wh-...

*Upon the two's gaze was a skinned corpse of Coolguy, blood all over the floor*

Ae: WHA- *HOLP* 

*Aetrul puked at the sight of his dear friend's corpse, tears streaming down Aetrul's distraught face... When suddenly*

So: Guess you were right about one of us being skinned, huh.

Ae: Ho- How can you be so- so calm right n- now...? Coolguys co- co- corpse... is right there, how are you so calm...

So: Meh...

Ae: MEH!? MEH!? MEH!? What the HELL is wro- wrong with you!?

So: Lots... I mean, I've been through a lot...

*Aetrul, nervous, looked around to see what could have happened, until he saw a knife in the corner of the storage unit, along with the vhs and a gun... Aetrul knew what to do.*

*He bolted to the gun, and aimed it at Soip in anger*

Ae: What the actual FUCK is wrong with you!?

So: I wouldn't be holding that if I were you...

Ae: Oh sure, try and stop me. Or better yet, take this shot to the head! 



So: And then I saw Aetrul kill himself, tears were running off my cheeks as I had just witnessed my best friends deaths...

News Reporter: Thank you for your words... Do you think you know why this happened.

So: That cursed tape, if we hadn't viewed it this would have never happened. If only Aetrul hadn't convinced us... If only...

News Reporter: Thank you for your time Soip. And we here at Channel 3 News are sorry for your loss.

So: Thank you for listening... Have a good night...

News Reporter: Following this tragic event, the tape will be hidden away where no one would think to look... I am Tom Rider, signing off.




So: Heheh... HEheh... HEHEHEHAHAHAH!

So?: Those fools set me free once more, the cycle will continue, spirits within that tape will come free upon being viewed by a group of 3, then 2 will die tragically and the third will be free once and for all... No one will stop us...

*Little did the possessed Soip know, someone found the whole situation fishy and just heard all they needed to know... A determined man and their best friend... Just found out the truth, and now need to find this tape...*

"Will we find this tape... That I do not know... But if there is a hope of this 'cycle' breaking, then it is up to me and Chitoz... I am Eidk Whichlank... And hopefully my next writing here will be about me finding this tape and breaking the cycle once and for all."

theory 3. Aetrul is a gay homosexual who loves to fuck men


I- Okay.

Image result for what the frick



Yk when the:

fall kirby wait dont fall kirby



Familiar Foes - Last Reel But Cartoon Bendy Sings it

Bendy and Cartoon Bendy Singing

Boyfriend Singing

Hey guys, remember the four way fractures concepts we made? Well, I re-trul'd them.


Do you guys remember when radical had a mother fucking molotov?


Old foes, new grounds. Fourway Fracture but its Eddsworld vs Pico's school (and tankman)

Tom vs Darnell

Edd vs Pico

Matt vs Nene

Edd vs Pico

Eduardo vs Uber Kid

Edd vs Pico 

Tord (Hello old friend) vs Tankman (Let's Rock!)

Edd (+tord) vs Pico (+Tankman)

Thats actually a really banger idea tak. But what would the uber kids laugh be


Random canny sonic art

Nice looking!



people are telling me my song is a banger. Can yall confirm

It sounds better than anything I'll ever manage to make.

thanks man!

I HAVE RETURNED and with a cover too! 

Yellow's been exposed! Cannibalism but Yellow and 3er sing it.



"You two toned bitch, you- you can't lie about ME!"


"And its not just plans, Aetrul Yellow gave them your entire search history-


-And guess what, he also stole some of our stuff, FOR FUN! FUN!!!"


"Wha- NO! Why would I do THAT..!"


"You're a traitor."





Thats really cool


doomsday cover

So for some reason Coolguy just out of the blue asked me to make a cover for him (I presume because he's in a car with only his phone...?) So heres Challeng-edd Combined Mix but 3er, Tak, Yellow, Eidk, Scott, Coolguy, and EEGGEE sing it...

Side note, we really need different imaages for Yellow, Scott and Eidk... Its hard to make unique poses when we only get like 2 poses for the characters (and no, I cant use ctpronpa scott, he has injuries which dont make sense in most covers)

Im about to be on my way back home, see y'all soon!

nice B)

ayy sians! nice to see you again

sorry I died a little

and on the 3rd day he rose again


"Always come back anytime" -Evil Expunged

omg sians sounds 16

I do?

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