I re-drew the triple drawers thing 3er made, sorry 3er. I wasn't trying to be mean. Saying the n word is not a joke, I heard my mistake. It's ok the hate me 3er. I just wanted to something cool while doing homework..
Thanks! The only time I got to say the n-word was when one of my black friends gave me pass, I screamed it at my gay friend, he didn't care though. He looks depressed, but gets ALL the bitches. Now I wanna do a story time in the devlogs.
im never forgiving you no matter how many memes you reply to me with because you're a racist fuck that thinks you can say the n word just because someone told you you can
dont say slurs no matter what especially if its racist
i fucking hate you and aetrul anf im never gonna forgive that racist fucktard because theres no such thing as happiness im o gonna fuck fuck damnit break my phone fuck you bitch ripper dam
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Shut youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitchShut youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitchShut youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitchShut youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitchShut youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitchShut youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitchShut youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitchShut youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitchShut youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitchShut youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitch
this is real
Burger King (Verified) @BurgerKing - 40m
ok boomer
Wendy's (Verified) @Wendys - 37m
your food is crustier than 1:1 ratio videos from instagram
Elon Musk (Verified) @elonmusk - 30m
You as stupid as 9+10=21 kid for saying that!
Wendy's (Verified) @Wendys - 28m
your new truck looks like a cursed minecraft image, not talking about the funny ones btw
SpongeBob (Verified) @SpongeBob - 24m
Your memes belong in the Chum Bucket instead of on iFunny!
Rick and Morty (Verified) @RickandMorty - 20m
Hi Sponge Bob
brew leawe mwe awone wiff youw skin tone chicken bone googwe chwome no home fwip phone disowned ice cweam cone gawden gnome extwa chwomosome metwonome dimmadome genome fuww bwown monochwome student woan Indiana Jones ovewgwown fwintstone x and y howmone fwiendzone Sywvestew Stawwone Siewwa Weone autozone pwofessionawwy seen siwvew patwone ching Chong win wong suck my ding dong headass wemote contwow autism down syndwome stage fouw tewminaw bwain cancew O'Wiwey autopawts siwvew bwonze ash amino UV wight pen sushi wam wamen Hawisson Fowd gamew bitch ass Viwgin wamp thewmometew wean mean stwing bean Chawwie Sheen wimousine canteen twampowine sewpentine anti histamine wowvewine submawine uncwean nectawine bwoken gene Hawwoween detective spween smoke scween James Dean putting gween tiny peen anti vaccine aquamawine eugene extwa gween nicotine vasewine jewwy bean magazine pwotein Wightning McQueen vending machine what'chu mean ocean man by ween head ass tf up bitch
someone dmed me this on reddit
i said stop talking to me you racist fucking pigeon
racist pigeon my ass
this wasnt for you
now stop talking to me you racist fuck
I re-drew the triple drawers thing 3er made, sorry 3er. I wasn't trying to be mean. Saying the n word is not a joke, I heard my mistake. It's ok the hate me 3er. I just wanted to something cool while doing homework..
Yo mother fucker! Its fine hah. Just don't pull that kinda shit again k?
And thanks for the redraw, it looks great.
Thanks! The only time I got to say the n-word was when one of my black friends gave me pass, I screamed it at my gay friend, he didn't care though. He looks depressed, but gets ALL the bitches. Now I wanna do a story time in the devlogs.
hey vc
dont ever say the n word again even if someone tells you you can thats extremely racist
I fix cars
stop fucking joking im not gonna forgive you i fucking hate you
next time you talk to me im gonna brutally fucking insult you
Join vc
Oh stfu bitch. Hes doing homework fucking dumbass.
fuck you aetrul you shouldnt be saying slurs like ni*** especially if you're white
i do not forgive you and you will be my least favorite person from now on
I am Captain jimmy beasts brother, I will give you 17 dabloons.
stop begging him to vc you funfuck hes doing homework
Aetrul: sorry I was late, I was doing homework.
Coolguys mom: It's ok, I am homework.
vc though
why do you try to voice chat with this racist mofo
i get called out for something i can do because im black months ago and its still bad to this day but he gets forgived in 2 minutes
this dude must love beating up race cars
Honestly yeah, you didnt deserve being yelled at for saying n*. My bad
you joined aetrul and now you're kicking a car in my parking lot wtf racist
im never forgiving you no matter how many memes you reply to me with because you're a racist fuck that thinks you can say the n word just because someone told you you can
dont say slurs no matter what especially if its racist
Bro, chill I fuckin forgave him. He knows his mistake god DAMN.
i dont fucking care if YOU forgive him.
i fucking hate him and im never gonna fucking forgive him now go kill yourself (in roblox) fucktard
and if he knows his mistake why does he keep sending me memes to change the topic of the convo everytime i try to communicate with him?
i fucking hate you and aetrul anf im never gonna forgive that racist fucktard because theres no such thing as happiness im o gonna fuck fuck damnit break my phone fuck you bitch ripper dam
nice c o c k bonnie!
ya no
im gonna ultra ban yo ass
Its a good thing. Im boutta ban you if you don't post an image of a guy holding a pineapple
I Did What Ya Wanted
/j but /srs
this chat is always dead schoolday or not
what did you do to bandu
i gave him the face of a guy who drank like 17 hundred something bottles of mountain dew
the bandu:
i thought your name said hot radical lol
reply with this image if dreamgender doesnt exist
i have a better one, look above this post
Im doing a ctpronpa leak :|
i fell down the stairs and my ass hurts /srs
rip borb
He speaked algebra part
this is my pfp now
damn they deleted my other the b
i thought you were radical until i saw your name because radical is usually the one with a d&b pfp
the wehe:
Hey edik, I was wondering if you have a character that represents you, I'm wondering if I could use you in an upcoming project known as CTPronpa
represents me?
Like some way your draw yourself.
hmmm.... my pfp i was wondering u could remake it in an fnf style
kys /srs i hate you
plus aetrul probably white so fuck you aeytrul
the echidna
i have a boufriend
sunky saga
tf is meriguy supposed to mean
no, it's just funny. Also, MERI SWERD OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!1!111 ! /j
Never 것들을 To 위한 You 시 (rave.dj)
I didn't need to click the link. Hearing the word "never" already is enough of a rick roll.
Im a rapist. I repair stuff.
The Evil
ah hell nah Chitoz turned white
im gonna make ou white if ou dont joi-
nah that's the evil one,Cheetos
I'm white and no i'm not gay
what that thinkg
the fist
dammint the lines are intersecting
le tessar
shit,i've been blocked from using ctp chat on my chromebook and forgot the pass the Meri Funi Lel
False alarm,i forgot my username had spaces
i can be here on my chromebook again
this chat gets more dead and dead every hour of the day
sometimes people are at school, others not wanting to chat. People could be busy.
Hello everyone, I've decided to share this link with you all, it shows the ctpronpa stuff.