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she looks like she says Hi my name is Carmen Winstead. I'm 17 years old. I am very similar to you. Did I mention to you that I'm dead? A few years ago a group of girls pushed me down a sewer hole to try and embarrass me. When I didn't come back up the police came.The girl said that I had fell and everyone believed them. The police found my body in the sewer. I had a broken neck and my face was torn off. Send this message to 15 people after you listened the whole message if you value your life. A boy called David received this message. He just left and deleted it. When he was in the shower he heard laughing. My laughter. He got really scared and rushed to his phone to repost this message but he was too late. The next morning his mom entered his bedroom and all she found was a message written in his blood saying 'You will never have him back'. No one has found his body yet because he is with me. A girl called Charlotte received this message and she immediately sent it to 25 people, 10 more than required. I still watch over every second of her life to make sure that she is safe and to keep her and everyone close to her out of danger. Send this to 15 people in the next five minutes if you don't want your fate to be the same as David's. Your time starts now.the story is true you can research it on Google. 

Not funny. Didn't laugh

nobody asked

They asked actually🤓

stop defending wemen you fucking simp

Hi, I'm Saul Goodman. Did you know that you have rights? The constitution says you do! And so do I.

Conscience gets expensive, doesn't it?

For a substantial fee, and I do mean substantial, you and your loved ones can vanish. Untraceable.

I want it in a money order and make it out to Ice Station Zebra Associates. That's my loan out. It's totally legit … it's done just for tax purposes. After that we can discuss Visa or Mastercard, but definitely not American Express, so don't even ask, all right?

You're a high-risk client. You're gonna need the deluxe service. It's gonna cost you.

If you're committed enough, you can make any story work. I once told a woman I was Kevin Costner, and it worked because I believed it.

I never should have let my dojo membership run out.

Better safe than sorry. That's my motto.

As to your dead guy, occupational hazard. Drug dealer getting shot? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's been known to happen."

Don't drink and drive, but if you do, call me.

don't take the saul goodman thing seriously tho

(1 edit)

Stories From the Ctp Archives... Entry #2, A Vile Rampage.

Quick note, lots of descriptive gore this time around, descriptions of bodies, and someone being hung. If these topics trigger you, do not proceed any further.

3: It was yesterday, f- fucking YESTERDAY Eidk! How... How could everything go wrong in one fucking day... He... He... Was... He was with us... And this morning... He- He was found dead....

Ei: What did the autopsy reveal?

M: It revealed that... *sigh* C- Coolguy's arms were stabbed, along with his pectoral region, the main blow to kill him was his head getting dislodged, not taken off... But it was... Out of place... The bone was broken, blood gushed out... His room looked like it was painted red apparently.

Ei: Jesus Christ! Wh- What the hell!? 

Ae: Who the fuck would do this to him?

Ei: It cou- could be Oblivion?

Ae: No, he wouldn't let the body be recognized, plus he couldn't fit in Coolguy's home.

3: This... This can- can't be happening...?

Ei: It is happening damnit. It is happening.

The day ended later, considering the news was given at night... 

Ae: 3er get up! Get up! GET UP!

3: Huh!? I- what?

M: Aetrul, don't scare him, gah...

Ae: Meri don't strain your arm!

3: Wh- what happened?

Ae: Eidk was found... dead.

3: WHAT? H- HOW?

Ae: So, his right arm was chopped off... H- his head had a hit, caused b- by blunt force tr- trauma... And his left leg had a gash in it. The killing bl- blow was A massive stab wound drove in and through his chest... It was a sad death, the authorities found what seemed to be tear marks in his eyes... The blood on the floor... Oh... *HOULMP*


3: So, what happened to you?

M: My house was trapped, My head was nearly ripped apart, instead I just got a bit of my arm sliced...

3: Who- who is doing this...

M: I do not know...

*Later that day*

3: So when is Coolguy's fu- funeral gonna be?

Ae: They say it was gonna be planned for September 23rd?

3: That's a week away...

*Beep, beep*

Ae: huh? My phones ringing...

Ae; Hello! Who is this?

Ae: What....?

3: What?

Ae: Meri... She left... Not in the dead way but... She heard rumors... And didn't want to be next.

3: O- Oh... Well I'm going to bed.

Ae: night...

*The next day*

3: OOoaaa, good morning world... Oh right... I'll just turn on the tv...

TV: Hello, I am Jaidyan Wellker and we are here to talk about a tragic death of a man named Ello Evergaze. They were found dead at 3:42 AM this morning. The autopsy came in hours later, about at 6:46, the body was found to have been hung by someone else, as Mr.Evergaze's hands seemed to be struggling, as they were found holding onto the noose around their neck, trying to perhaps tear it apart. Other related injuries found were bruises on their legs, and slashes on their arms, another noteworthy detail is that they were wearing a bandana, however it seemed to be vandalized, having what seemed to be a B on it... Authorities are still unsure of what this means.

3: Wait... B? ... I think I know... I need to call Aetrul right now... I figured it out...

*Beep, beep*

Ae: Thi- This is Aet- Trul speaking... Who is th- this...?

3: This is 3er, I think I know who killed Coolguy, Eidk, And Ello...

3: The mastermind behind this all...

3: The only one who would have a motive to do this...

3: Is-

*beep... beep... beep...*

3: Huh...? My, my power cut out...

3: God damnit, if you're gonna take me you asshole, show yourself...

?: If you want to fight me, come to the Storage+ warehouses, make sure you aren't accompanied by anyone else.

3: Fine... I'll fucking kill you...

*That night*

3: I'm here... Borb...

B: Hm? You figured it out. And you didn't bring a weapon?

3: Nope, I brought something better, evidence.

B: Ah, well if you want to take me down, do it... All I have is this chainsaw- GAH

3: Not anymore you little shit.


3: There... I gave you a somewhat painless death, chopping the head off works... The evidence is all here, now to call the authorities of what happened... And take my charges.

*That morning*

TV: Hello everyone, I am Jaidyan Wellker back again for your news reports. Last night a shocking event happened. For those who do not know, the last few days, one by one 3 people were killed, Coolguy, then a man named Eidk Whichlank, and then Ello Evergaze... Last night a man known as 3er found the culprit behind the killings, Brobgonal. 3er met the murderer at the local Storage+ Warehouses. There, 3er said he killed Brobgonal with a chainsaw that Brobgonal was planning on killing 3er himself with. However, because of this 3er was charged with manslaughter, and he was happy to take the sentence on its own, as he said "I knew I commited a crime by killing him, he hadn't engaged at me so it was empty threats until I killed him, its only fair I serve some kind of punishment." However, due to Brobgonal being a serial killer, and his plan of killing 3er as well, the sentence has been slightly reduced. We will hold a ceremony to mourn for our losses, and thank our heroes. This is Jaidyan Wellker... Signing off.

Deleted 2 years ago

ask before you violently unalive my oc and you make the killer a man in his near 30s

Alright. I'll ask before killing of your guy next time!

thank you, also that sonic roast was  a obvious joke lmao

Yeah, thats why I didn't make note of it.

(1 edit)

Quandale Dingle here, my rinkedy-dink ahh dad drove me to the strip club and beat me with a steering wheel (GULGULGGLULBEBEBEBE) (BOOOOOM) My goofy ahh uncle made me drop the soap in the shower (BELBELBELBELBELBEL) my rockity-doof ahh sister spontaneously combusted when the pipe bomb in her lunchbox exploded (BELBELBELBELBELBFLBELEBLEB) my chingity-chong ahh cousin quanlingling dingle hao-piaoed his way out of a police chase last night (blablablebalebealbelbalebnw)

and tommorow we will team up with our okidy-doc ahh grandmother to replace every food on earth with pickled mustard gas (UAAAAAAANIGATE-)

i made a no villains cover because why not

me and colguy got along idioit

Meh, its fine to make covers like this imo

Also sorry about yesterday, I wasn't siding with Aetrul, I was just correcting you, but I can see how it could seem like I was siding with him, my bad.

ok but labrynth zone

konekoguy (coolguy konekokitten) be like:

i didnt know who else to include


i kinda just made a map in the fandom-

(1 edit)

Stories From the Ctp Archives... Entry #1, Chain Head.

It was a cold night for Radical, traveling the plains and mountains. Until suddenly, he heard whispers, and... 

R: What the fucking hell?

The whispers grew and magnitude... And as the approached Radicals face, he saw a familiar figure...

R: Cool̴͕̥̟͈̱̲̠̣̑͜g̴̝͙̍̓̉͂̊ͅuy? Wḩ̴̨̡̢̢̛̻̠͈͉̬̤͍̜̜͓͉͔̦̝̘̲̆͌̓͆̐͐̑̆͌͗̎͂̊̃͑͗͠ͅa̸̢̖͈̮̹͚̰͈̩̋́̓̑͋̓́͌̅͋͋̈̽̓̿̀̓̌͌t the f̷̵̸̸̴̴͔̱̙̪̩̟̖͉̯̗̎͊̒̓͒͆̌̾̐̑̃̏̉̋͜ų̵̷̴̸̷̶̵̷̶̨̨͓͚̠̟̻̰͎͇̹̱̝͔̙͇̮͔͈̈́͂́̾̀̿͂́̌̈̊͂͌̆͋͒͑̑͜͜c̵̷̵̴̴̶̨̡̧̜̫̟̼̪̮̖̭̫̜̦̓̈͆́̈́͂̒͗̇͘k!

Radical will not be strong enough to accept affinity.
H̷̑̄e̷͆͘͠ ̶̟̮̽̀i̸̓͂s̵̆ ̷̡̮̊̀ẅ̴̘́͜ẻ̵̹͕a̴͔̪̿̔́k̴̙͍̀,̷̪̋̃͝ ̷͓͑̍͌h̶̝͒̎͝ȅ̴̬̝͒ ̶͈̉̀ẘ̴͎̟ǐ̴̫̽́l̷̃̊͠l̸͍͚̓͂ ̸̓̈́b̷̥̠̌͛r̴̬̾̑͒e̵̩̒ȧ̷̘̀̈k̵̬̆ ̶͉͝ḛ̸̐͜â̴̍s̵̝̲̎͠il̴̗̀ly.̷̰̗͍́̉ ̵̪̏I̴̢͎̺͒̃̇ ̷̯̥͌̋̕ͅn̶̝̬͌͜͝é̸͓̍e̵̥̠̋̒̕d̶̡͕̤̑ ̴̻̎̍̏s̵̗̈́ṯ̷̰̟͊̂̈́r̴̪̄̌͑ò̶̹͔̒̓n̷͛g̷͖͇̟̀̓͋e̷̽r̷͈͉͖̍ ̵̮͌̔s̶̼̹̪̃u̴̡̫̯͊̏̎ls̵̱͈̦̋̿̍.̸ ̸̞̰́M̸̥͌ẽ̶͇ṙ̶̨͖̯i̸̡̟͘.̴̛͉̦͓͋̈́.̷̰̻̱̀̐̈́.̴̯̒̓͠ ̵͔̺̠̅̀̽l̵͎̱̏̈͂l̵̗̩͑͌o̷̧̧̝̓.̵̡̔̀́.̴̨̰̀͜.̸̢͉̤̽̓

As the sun r̸͎̼͇̾̆͝i̶̜͋̄̚s̸e̶̼̹̗͆̚ṣ̷͗̌ so does Meri, on their way to meet Coolguy for coffee, along with Ello. As Meri approached the coffee shop ś̴̵̴̵̸̴̶̸̡̨̘̹̰̼̝̻̳̬̻͎͔̬͖͉̮̀͑̉̓́̅̎͑̑̔̽͛̊̄̋̾̕͜hḛ̶̪̿͗̔ heard faint noises... 


M:Ello, Long time no see!

E: Same here, god college was so long right?

M: Hey hey, you're the one who had to go to college not me haha!

E: That's true, I am a bit younger, Aetrul being the oldest right?

M: Yep!

E: Heyo, have you seen R̶͈̊́̅̉̓́͒̂͑̆̍͂̿̈͑́̏̑̈̚å̴̛̰̳̤̞̙͕̜̱͓̮̎̒͒̆̇̒̍͂̈́̄̈͂͛̔͊͒͑͆́̃̒̄̿̃͆͗́̏̽̈́̐̀̊͘̚͝d̶̨̡̯̝̰̭̜̦̤̤̫͇͙̖̭̬̖̺͉̮̮̱̈́̑́i̷̡̧̛̻̭͇̺̪͂̑͋̀̾̔͋̆̅̈́̎̈̈́͋̈́́̀̏ç̶̡̛̛̭̞̘̰̼̜̗̹͔͍̥̰̲͙͍̦̝̞̜̟͈̱̩̦̰͇̣̼̖̥̲͔͕̺̌̃͛̒͑̀̽̇͊̈͌̄̈͑̐̂̋̀̌̐͌͋͐̐̾̊̅̔̈́͝͝ͅͅa̶̛̫̰̘̞͓͈̼̒̊́̑̾̔̊͑͒̒̈́͆̂̈́͠ḽ̶̨̞̲̦͉̹̺̙͙̙̀̈́̉̈́́̌̂͌̓̈́̇̄̎̀͗͜͝͠ by the way?

M: Nope, heard he was V̷̛̺̜͍̙̖͎̩̖̥̪̏̀͗̔͒̃̈́̿̒̆̀͌̓̾̅͂̍͐̒͊͋̾̾̊̒̌̽̍͊̎͊͋͗̅͘͘͠͝ͅͅͅę̶̧̪̙͕̯̩̲̮̗͔̭̖̗̟̣͉̬͍͔̭̙̝͉̝̪̠͉̈́͜ǹ̸̢̢̝̞̯͕͉̬̪̼̹̺̯͖̙͓̞̫̠͍̟̩̜̠͎̦̥̼̊̅̀̍̈̈̃̈́̉̃̂̃͆̐͗͑̎̊͆͐̂̆̎̕͜͝t̴̨̡̡̧̡͚̹̯͔̮̮͓̺̝͓͖̟̼̼̦͚͓̠͚̝̠͈͉̖͂̈́͆̃̊͆̑̎̉́̆̍͘͝u̴͖̼͓̘̜̝̬̪̱͈͓͚̺̺̳͎̙͚͎̼͎̓̆͊͊́̌̑̇̿̒̏͂̀͊͒̑̆̄̋̍́̑̂̽̃͒̽̒͒̌͊͑͌͘̕͜͝͠͝r̴̨̧̧͉̠̖̪̮̖͕̩̪̖͖͈̭͎̘͍̞̬̱̪̠̼̼͍̮̣͇͓̽͒̒͒̀̑̑̈́̌̀̈́̋̏̌̓̄̎́̔̀̌̅͗̕̕͜͜͠͝͝į̶̗͎̠̘͚̓̑̈̓̍̉̉̆͊̓̌̃̾́͋͊̆̔̋̓̀̋̉̌́͌̕͠͠͠ͅn̶̨͎̪̲̮̽̋̑g̶̛̛̅̄̇̈́̾̀̄̈̊̊͒̈̈́̈̌̈͊́̆́̃͛̄̇̈̃͒͛͗͌̃̓͌͊͘̚͠͠͝͝ ̴̧̛͖͈̣̼̫͚̣̼͈̠̉̊͗̏͗̊͗͑̆͂͋͊̇̍̑̇̊̎͗̌͆͐̀̒́͌͑͗̾̍̀̓͂̈̅̏̕̚̕͝͠͝͠t̸̨̨̧̛̛̛͕̤̮͎̝̳͓͈̱͉̘̬̦̗̗͎̜͚̦̺̗̩̯͙̠̩̅͑͛͆͌̈́̐͌̎̿͑̽̏̽͛͂̊̒̑̇̅̈̃͛́̄͘͘͜͝͝h̸̝̊͌̏̈̀͌͗̉̿̒̾̎͐͝ȩ̵̢̨̛̮̥͙̙̮̯͉̥̗̮̪́̾̈́̎́͌͋͋̅͛̏̔̓̾͒͛͘̚͘͝ ̴̡̢̢̛̣̩͇̫̰͇̥̣̭͈̻̪̯̞̗͍͇̩͕̹̪͚̻͖̱͕͂̋͑̃̀́͂͋͛̎̄͛͐͗̄͑̀͑̂̀̑̈̀̄͒̐̊͑̆̋́̊̕̕̕̚͜͜͝m̴̧̡̮̳͔̮̬̟̺̜͎͎̱͖̠̲̘͓̦̞͍̬̎̋͒̅̃̔̌̽̇̑́͆̿͊̅́̊͂̿̉̓͘̚͠͝͠ͅợ̸̹̜̗̤̪̮̪̞̊̏̈̂̍̈̈́̄̄́̓͐͛̋̓̄͗̓̈̓̍͜͝͝ͅư̴̢̛̛̗͙̦̟̯̬̘̱̝̹̱͈͎̣͕̗͛͑͊̊̿̑̇̉̓̆́̎͒́̀̉̌̂̑̚͠͝͝͠ņ̷̧̛̳̝̗̼̪̻̖̞̺͎͔̗̖͎͖͙̞̯̬͈͕̔̈̒̈̓̄̀̎̔̂̂͑̿͊͒̒́̈̎̾͑̽̀̐̒̕͜͝t̸̡̛͙͎̪̤̦̪̣͚̹̻̲̻̫̔̈́͊̈́̄̈̅̃̎̍͊̓̒͆̀͑͛́̚̕͠à̸̧̢̜̬͍̘̫͉̠́̀͌̕į̴̡̡̢̡͎̺͇̠̤̗̪̖̙͖̭̹̰̜͎̗͚̺͕͎̖̥̮̞̰͇͖͇̘̬̤͎̥͈̠̪͔̬͈̀͂̌ͅͅͅṇ̷̡̢͇̘͍͉̫̱̹̮͕̥̠͎̝̻̹̜̰̗̮̍̔̋͜͜ş̵̨̧̧̘͚̜͈͈͍͍̠̜̭̘̬̱͔̠̲͍̮͉̯̥̮̫̰͖͈͕̱̖̊̍̀̉̃͑̾͌͌͊̈́̊̔̂͒̆̀͋̈́̽̈́͘͜͝͠ or some shit haha!

E: Oh. I've missed a lot haven't I? 

M: Kinda?

E: Kinda?

M: Well yeah, there were some encounters with Ǫ̴̡̢̨̳̦̪̝͖̳̯̯̭̪̜̤͖̥̗̯̠̫̖̤̰̫̜̥͉͇̫̠̩̲͉͔̀̋͊̋̈́̅̎͊̈̐̉̎̈́̆͜͝͝͝͝ͅb̵̨̡̢̤̣̙̝̘̲͔͓̥̯̜̤͙͚͉̻͖̥͈̟̗̰̼̮̦̫̻̫̲̝̥͎̐͐̒͊̌͗̐́̈́̋̒͂̆͛̃̈̃̂̈́̔͗̑̉̅͛̇̀̊̈́͘ͅͅl̶̢̧̢̢̛͔̙͇̟̳̞̱̦̻̩͙̱͚̯̜̤̝̮͖͕̟̪͇͕͗̈́̾̋̀̐͐̋͑̈́͑̿̕͜͜͠͝͠į̶̢̨̛͎̙̹͉̰̳̱͔̠̞̘̞͇̭̝̺̥̅̍̈́͗̊̈́́̉͑́́̅̎̌̂̇̈́̊̓͆̋̌̈̌̀̀͆̀̈̈́͋̑̃͆͘̚̚͝͝͝͝v̴̢̛̛̬͈̰͚̠͙̺̹̝̺͖̱̭͕͈̝̹̞̍̂́́̆͐̋͋̈̒̄͗̽͗̆͒̒́̑͋̈́̂̌̎͘̚͘͜͜i̵̹͉̫̲̺̺̘̞̼̞̾̀̾̿̾̓̚̕ő̵̢̢̩͓̬͙̹̞̤̻̖̼̣͚̲̺̯̬͓̼̥̹̲͈̮̝̜͇̘̗̑̊̌̈́͌̋̒̓̊̌̏͛̆̂̈́̍̇̂̽͌͌̇̓͊̑̂͑̌̄̐̏́̊̕͜͜͝͝͝ͅņ̵̢͔͈̪̼͚͔̜͚͇͖̪̭͍̫̩̟̲͉̠̪̬̖̙̰̦̼͕͇͎͇̘̳̟̪̦̹̭̮̳̗̓͑̋̇̓̈́̂͒̏ͅͅͅ and what not, but not to much big things... Ẏ̴̢̢̢̨̡͓̩͇̠̣̩͇̣͖͍̬̱͕͇̬̙̠͈̫͇̻͍͔̌́̈̿̑̒̅̋̓̌̂̿̉͋̓̏̎̚͝͝ͅͅę̷̡̛̱̣̺͍͖̼̜̠̬̳̝̖̭̗͙̗̰͇̘̣̃̀͒͑͆͊̍͑͂̔͒̽͌́͐̀͌̔͌̿̀̎̑͜͠͝ͅl̴̀͐̉̔̽̓̾̌̊͂͆̇̌̌͂̅̎͛̀̐͊̓̍͑͒̃̀́̕̕̚͝l̶̢̡̛͖͓͈̻̦̤͍̲̪̪̲͚̘̞̥̹̟͓̮̦̗͚͚̘̰̙̭͖͈̲̏̌̇̀̒͐̄̄̈́̉́͆̆̾͐̈́͊̆̐̈͗̈́̌͛͛̃͆͑̔̕̚͜͝͝͠ō̴̏̔́̄̾͐̽̽́̄̓͒̊͂̐͂̊͛͑̑͒͐̚̚͠͠͠ẘ̴̡̧̢̢̛͕̖͇̳̠͎̟̥̙̗̫͙͇͈̯̠̠̣̳̖͐̒͑͌͋̐̔̑̔͌̑̈́̀́̊͆̄̆͆͐̏͐̈́̽́͗͌͛̈́̈͑͘͘͠ͅͅ finally came back...

E: No way? I thought Borb got him locked up into that weird space prison thingamabobber?

M: Yeah it was... Hey do y̴̛̪͖̬̮͔̱̪̤̭͗̅̊̿͊̇́͛̑͝ǫ̴̛̛̳̠͕͉̜̠̳̣̺̹̯̖̯̻̱̩̱̞̍̾̈́͌̀̊͗͑̿̏̑͛̒͐̏̽͒̚̚͜͜͠͝͝u hear̷͓̞̣̖̬̥̬̜̩͖̫̗͉̻̄́̑́̋̄ that?̷̧̛̭̗̼̙̹͕̜̯͓̯̣͈̳̬̻̤͍̘̬̱̠̺̦̫̩͈̭̹̩̰̥̰̙̫̤̠͋͂͊͌̾͊̂̐̒͒͆́͌̔͐̎̾̎͊̋̕͠

E: What is i̸̲͉͈̖̥̹̮̤̹̟̣͚̙̱͔̮̩̠͓͚̬̭͙̝̰̯͇̭̹̩͖͉̫̗͈̰̫͍̝̋̓̎͑̌́̾̔̏͑̀̓͐̕͜͠͝͝͝͝t̵̛̛̜͎͖̦̀̃̍̎͗̐̒͆͌͊̽̃̈̾̎̊́̎͒̑͘͠͝? Wait C̷̛̲͙̬̥͙̗̍̂͒̏̿͛͆̈́̋̈́̑́͂̃̒̈̂̇͛̿́́̉̾̉̽̐́͋͘ơ̶̢̡̧͔̥̖̦̦̞̘̞͉͎̲̠̥̺̬̪͉͎̯̩̱͉̳͎̗̤̺̝͈͉̭̈́̈́́̔̈́̌̋̃̆̔̐̋̑̎̏̾̍͋̌̇̾̈́̉̀͊̐̀̾̈́́͐̅̌̿̚ͅͅͅơ̵̧̨̨̘̝̭͖̠͇͔̮̫͉̟̗̫̮͕͓̿͐̊̊͊̓͂̇̈̇͛̆̆́͂̽̊͆͒̎̀̆̈́̑̇̾͛͛̔̀̚̚̚͝l̴̡̞̫̙̣̐̒̎̂͗͊̓̎͌͊́̋̽̒̿̃̆̈́̑̅́͗̃̓͘͘̚͘͠g̷̡̨̧͙͎͈̳̤̟̗̱̭̞̘̺̘͙̥͖͈̩̙͍̙̗͙͔͉͉̤͎̼̀̍̏͊͌̉͑͗̽̆͜͜͝ừ̸̢̤̲͓̣̤͚̰͕̣̜̱͙̞̺͈̪̠͖̜̹̹̿̍͆͗̓̐͋̈́̋͑͛̿ͅy̶͖̥̘͔̤̥͓̗̣̣̅͌̂͂̽̂͂̕͝?̵̧̢̛̩̪̮͙̙̩̥̟͕̅̊̀̓͂̒̊̂̍̃̐̀̋̊͂̈́͑̅̑̓̄͆̏̆͊͑́͛̋̋̃́͗̎̍̾̈͠͠͝͝͝

M&E: Å̶̡̛̗͕̤͈͙̘̖̃̉͂͑̾͂̌̏̈́̐͒̅̌̓̾͛́̅͛̾̍̀̾͂̑͑̍̎̈̒̕̕A̸̧̟̟̯͇̮͓̹̰̙̞͙̼̬̫͈͚̯͙̪̰̲̻̣̜̬̫̝͇̩̓͆̊̿̈̽̈̆̽̃̓̈́̈̚͝͝Ą̷̧̨̳̣͇̤̬̥̭̯̠̫̥̮̣̤̝̫̞̼̬̣̮̫̼̹̘̫͍̙̫̼̭̹̝͎̟̫̊͛͒́̉̏́͜͝A̵͙̳͈͚͖͎̮͎̣͔͖̠̟̗̲̬̖͈̠̒͗̋̄̂͛́̈́̒͒̾̈́̚̕ͅĂ̸̧̯̱͍̰̼͎̬̬̋̽̌̇̈̏͆͒́̈́̓̽͑̍̑͑͐̆̐̍̒̂͒͛̐̆͋̑̓̄̏̓̏̚̚͜͠͝͠ͅÄ̴̧̢̬̬̪̹̲̺̬̳͉̰̬̘͚͍̟̞͈̝͈̭̜́̄͗͊́̄̊̈́͗̈̿͐̈́͘͜ͅͅÄ̸̼̼̟̜̪̟̦̗̟̠͙̰̳̹̮͈̣̰̫́͒̓͆̇͋̈́̋́̀̃̓̽̾̌͒̓̊̈́̓̔͒͋͑͆̃̊̊͗̏̋͊̕̕̚̚͘͜͠A̵̧̨͚͕͍͎̫͖͉͚̯̲̜͔͙͎̬̘͓͚͇͈̣̤͈͔͓̲̬̦͉̓̈̑͊̓̎͒͋͛̔͗͛͊̈̾̈́̇͐͛́̄̓̂̂͋̊̂͊͘̚͜͝͠͠͝͠Ḣ̸̢̨͈̤̼̳̬̩̻͎̘͕̯̳̯̜̰̣͈̍͗͛͊́̊̒͗̇̓̏͆͒̇̆̈́̀́̈͑͒͋͂͋͊̓̏̚͘̕̚͘͜͝ͅͅͅͅH̵̢̧̨̢̧̛̘̱̝͍͓̦̼͚͖̠͉̰̟͈̩̜͕̺̞̻͙̫̠̥̟̮̣̺̮̳̦̱̼̀̒̈́̽̃̓̉̑͛̈́̀̽̓̇̎̍̄̐͊͂̌̕͜͠ͅH̵̛͓̫̺̪̠͖͍̝̣͖̟̱̮̒̅͂̀͑̔̀͌̚͝ͅḢ̴̢̧̻̣͎̰̥̦̦̳̜͉͖̦̯́̊͒̆́̐̽̇̃̆̅̆̈́̋̀̊͑̽͋̈́̐͒͒̊̋̂̓́̓̑̓͘̚͜͜͜͝͝

B: ... what the hell... C- Coolguy... Chains... N- No eyes, lock... jaw... Black... Head...
A: Borb, you're making zero sense you dumbass...
B: I- I-... Look... If- If you hear whi- Whispers out of nowh- nowhere... FUCKING RUN ok?
A: Uh... Alright Borb?

A̴͓̬̮̞̙͍͐̄̊̈̚ē̵̢͈̝̺̯̠̦̪̥̣̠̲̥̰̙̤̼̝͕̲̓̐͑̐̚͜t̷̛̖̭̗̦̟̝̗͍̊̏̒̌͋̀́͛̑̓̀͐̏͊ŕ̶̨̡̺̦̞̖̲̳̼̫̀͐̿̏̍̓̀̃̓͌͒̔͗̒̃͐̊́̄́̅̓̔̀́̎͘̚̚̕͜͝͝ͅͅư̶̢̱͕̞͈̞̖̳̖̻̝̺͚͔̖̯͇̘̝̬̻͎̫̮̣͉̮̜̟̫͔̹͔̹̞͛̔̈́̑̓͆̇̊l̵̯̺͔͙͍̱̠̝̟͉̼̯̥̰͎̃̈́̀̈́̊̀͆́͒̑̄͋̅̈́̊͊̽̇͋̒̓̃̾̿̍̍͆̕͜͠͝͝ͅ~̴̈̋͂͒́͆̑̽̕͘̕?̷̞͈͚̹̮̩͙̠̮̘͈̰̹̞̫̋̄͐̈́̊͐̈́͊̀̌̃̂͌́́̈̚̚͘͝ ̵̛̛̯̳̙͕́͋̃͛̏̀̾͊͋̈́̾͗̆͘͘͝B̸̐̽̓̈́̏̓͌ờ̶̈͗̌̍̈͆̂̈́͛͑̔͂̽̒̂̂͌̽͂̓̋͛̎͑̾͛̀͗̆͂̔̉͂̕͝r̶̢̟̻̹̪̱̳̱̗̯͇̩͙̉̅́̍͐̃̆̀̉̅̄̀̐̇̀̑͑̈́̍́̾̀͛̏͗̆͋͝͝b̶͐͋̓̌̃͑̈̿͑̔̅̉̈́̉͒̈́̋̈́̈́̏́͋̅̃̈̌̌͛̎̌͠͝~̸̛̛̑͛̍̍͑́̀̀̌̉̃̈́̏̆̈́͛̾͒̈́̽̉͒́͛̽́͘͘̚͝͝͝?̷̡̢̡̧̡̛̛̩̙͚̫̬͉̮̳͎̠̭̭̻͙̟̝͙̲̣̥̘̮̺̟̝͉̦̼̲͔͇̱̻̳͔͔̣̼͙͚͙̇͂̀̒̑̉͒͂͗͂̆̈̊̄̎͗̍̆̈͛̌̇͗̀͒̉͊̆̄͛̈́͛͌͑́͐̚͝͠ͅ ̸̧̛̛̫̲͚̗̩̯̺̤͊́̄̈́̋̈́̐̽̎̄̒̊͑͌͊̓̓̈́̾̇̏̋̀̽̽̒͋̾̐̉̍͊̓̾̉́̋̀͒̕̚͘Ő̷̧̧͈̪̭̙̺̘͕̭̙̭̜̰̥͈̱̫̮̪̯̟͎̖̱̩̳̯̳̥̦̬̺̤͙̰̟̤̠̦̀̂̈̔͌̇̆̎͊̒̿͊̾̀̇̍̐̌̃́͑̋̈̑̍͘̕̚͜H̵̨̩͍͇̯̠͕͙̻̺̲͍̺̭͚̠̪̜͚͈̳̦̹̰̭͇́̀̅̌͒͝ͅH̴̛̛͋̓͗̓͆̍͑͛́̾̑̈́̾̒͑̑͋̓̄̾͛̇̀̿̓͋̔͊̓͂̆̎̏͘͝͝͝H̴̢̧̧̧̨̛͉͓̥̺̮͙̳̼̟̪͙̬̤̪̘̻̱̥͇͙̲̗͎̥͖̟̮̲̳̫̥̖̝͖̝̠̠̖̘͉̽͆̒̓̒͗̈́͌̆̈́̾́̏͂̅́̓̉̈̈́͒̑́̄͒͛̿̀̿͋̉͂̅͊͆͗̕̕͘͠ͅƠ̷̡̧̛͇̬͍͈̜̯̇̊̌̓͛͂́̒̌̆̎̅͑̉̋̐̏̈́͆͗̒̀̊̍̊̃͊͗̓̎̿͌̈́̾̈̒̋̀͆̕͜͜͜͝͝͝ͅO̴̤̹̫͇͉̝̯͕̤̖͓͇͂͛͒͛͋̿́̽̀̆̉̃͐̃̑̉̓͐̄̈́̓̐̄̊̚͠͠Ợ̷̢̡̡̫͓̲͔̻̣̬͕͍̬̞͙̗̮̣̙͖͖̹̥̣̪̺̰͇͈̥̞̪̖̱͍̞̱̅̓̓̓͐͌̋̀̑́̈̀̑̔̅͊́͌̐́̀̇́̂͒̊̔̆̍̃́̓̿̓̌̈́̓̈̆͘̕̕̕͠H̴̹̘̬̩̤̞͓̍́̈̈͐́͗Ḣ̴̡̨̢͍͇͚̥̬̺̳̹̝͓̱̜̙͔̦͚͙̞͓̪͍̟͙̺̼̲̙̤͚̪̬̜̖͚͖̹͚͆̈́́̔̈́̂̌͑̃̍̽̃͑͂͛̀̏͗̆͑̈́̇̓͛͑͌͐̉͗̃̏̿̂͗̿̐̊̉̈͘̕̚͝͝Ö̷̧̨̞͖̭̰̜̺̯̜̫̥̣̘͖̭̣͙̼́̎͐̐͗͐͠!̵̧̨͍̦͈̩̜͔̼͔͍̻͙̙͙̺͇̻̳̖̙͕͚̾̉̂̑̕͝ͅ?̷̛́̿́͊̓͋̐͗̔͒̃̾̏̾̔͑͐̎̃̋́͗


A week afterward... Aetrul went to Sains to talk about the trauma but... H̶̡̻̲͚̱̥͌̇̍́͂̇̉̈́͂e̸̮̟̞͔̠͓͑̌̾̾̅̿͂ ̵̢̨̠̝̦̻̙́̔̔͊͐͒́̀̒̆͆̂ͅw̵͙̮̩̱̭̲̗̝̹̆̄a̶͚̼̖̻͔̻͈̻̘̩͈͛̆ͅs̷̲̯̠̰̭̆̃̐ ̸̊g̶̢̡̗̘͍̝̥̩̻̪̘̤͛̐͐̀͘̚͘o̸͎͖̭͖̣̳̎̾̈̽̄͝n̶̛̅̍̓̽̓̈̐͆͝͠e̸̡͖̩͚̲̞̫͔͕̐͗̍̇̂̕.̸̻͐͂̉̉̂́̐̅̈́̾͝͠ ̶̧͕̰̭̥̯̑̒͠ͅH̸̢̬̟̳̹̙̜̺͎́͐̒̌̀̔͘͜e̷͎̘̊̔͗̔̌̄́̕ ̵͎̃̈́̍̀͒̎̃͂̂͘͝w̵̧͙̦̪̯̜̉a̸̧̲͍̠̬̽͂̊̒̚s̴̨̡̢͍̫̣͇̻̥̰͐̊͘͜ ̶̧̛̯̹̞͖͎̰̳̳̓͛̓̈̅́͘͘͘͝ǵ̴̩̯̠̱̙̔́̄͋̋̄̅̅̊̅͝o̶̗͙͚͙͈̒̋̍̕̕n̵̘̟̮̫̰̟͙͈̖̜̰̍̈́͗̄̊̅̚͠͝ë̴͓́͊̏̍͋̾́̚͠.̷̨͚̰̲͎̥̻̬̒̐̓̈́͆ ̸̧̠̯̲͇͐̄͗͆̏͛͒̔̈̾̒G̷̨̨̙̬̲̹͕̔̉́͜ǫ̵͉͍̳̻̙͓̫̬̟̓͐̒̿͋̍̄̆̕̚͘n̷̢̧̬͙̱̰̻̩̉̂̑̂̑̽e̵̡̧͕̤̼͙͎̟̼̔ ̷̛͖͎̒̋̍͐͛̄̀͂͝b̸̔̍ỳ̶̯̺͙̲̠͔̠͍͔͊̈̕ ̷̲̥͑͋͂̀̾̄̍̏̓͘͘̚h̷̡͚̩̤̙̙̘͕̝̏̈́̊̈̈́͋͊̏i̵͑̽̔s̶̢̢͇̰̣̫̈́̔̿͊͐̈́̑́ ̵̤̺͓̳̪̄̾̑̾̅͌͝ͅò̶̼̝͗̀́̍̓̇̃̂͌̚͘w̴̧̠͈̍͌̓̍ń̵̨̛͇̲̬̮̯͙͉͙͗̓̏̊̋͌̋́͛͐ ̴̺̝̖̎̂̊̈̇̊̊̈͆̋̒h̶̛̼̓́͒̀͘̚͝å̶̠̜̺̻̯̖͎̫̊͊n̸͇̹̬͓̠͈̬̭̾͠ḑ̷̞͎̲͓̦̉̌̚s̸̺̲̤͚̭̔̌̽̿̇͛͝ͅ... Or so it seemed.

Aetrul had enough. He was sick and tired of this monster taking his friends away. As the week passed, more went missing... Some were found.. but they were dead.̸̨̧̢̨̢̡̬̣̦͙̬͓̲̲͚̲̥̦̹̳͉̺͚͎̗͍͚͖͎͍̠̠̠̝̦̻͖̙̫̐̀͐̋̆̃͋̊̂̈́̋͂͌̇́̉͜͜͠ Loaf couldn't be found... But their sweat shirt was found, or at least shreds of it, along with drops of blood were found. EEGGEE's body was found, but not his h̵̡̨̢̲̳̥̱̥̭̯̦͖̘̭̱̻̰̜̰̖̠̠̙͖͎͈̥̣̺̰̙̻͎̉̌̐͐̐̏̍̏͑͋̌̓͌̈́̍͌̍͑̑͜͜͝͠ͅͅͅẖ̴̛̾́̈́̾͂͆̈̊́͐̂̓̋͊̓̅̅́͋̀͑̓̀̐͑̎̓̔̅͘͝͠͝͠ead... So many were lost in one week... Aetrul lost it after Sains was... was... Aetrul strapped his gun and planned an attack on Co̴̘̍̍̈́̈́̄͊̿̈̋̈́̏͐͒̒́͛̀̐̎̋̃̌̿͌͘͠ơ̸̧̛̛̛̳͉͎͔̜̹̘̱̹̱̮͇̫͇̯͚̔̇͒̏̄̅͌̑̊̃̃̿͌̀̆̓̈́̍̈̔̾̎̚̕͝͝͝͠ļ̶̨̨̨͓͙̜̳͈͕̹̖̻̼̣̠̦̱̮̯͕̩̠̻͓͉͔̻̰̞͙̲̠̞̖̏͂͆̏͐͌̈́̓͒̍̾̌ͅͅg̵̨̻̩̘̯͙̪̞̹͎͖̞̖̰̩͕̟̞̖̝̺̰̊͐̈̓̅̎̽͗̆̈́̏̿̍̃̈́̒̆̑͜͜͝u̴̡̨͓̮͉̥͕͖̰͕̼̭͓̖̗͉̹͆͗̄̉̃̄͛̆̾̏̾̒̃̓̚͘̕̚y̵̧̡̨̨̧̛͙̲̮̗̙̼̱̞͔̳̭̲̰̲̪̲̣̪̲̪̭͚̺̝̬̏́̂̋̏́̆́̇̎̍́̽̄̎̿̑̀̒̀́̋͛͋̋̀̑͛̈́̇́̉̑̽̈́̆͘͘͘͘̚͜͝͝ͅ.... Once and for all...

A: Borb!?
C̵̴̸̴̸̶̶̷̵̴̷̷̸̶̴̶̵̸̵̷̸̴̷̸̶̸̷̴̶̶̵̡̧̡̡̧̨̡̢̢̢̨̧̨̢̧̧̨̢̢̧̡̧̢̢̡̢̨̨̧̡̧̧̢̧̧̧̨̨̡̢̢̨̧̡̧̢̢̨̡̧̢̧̧̨̨̡̢̡̢̧̢̨̡̨̧̢̨̧̢̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̙͉͕̹̬̮͍̗̰͇̻̖̘̫͍̻͈̪͎̝̱̟͍̝̠͖̺̝͕̯̣̞͎̩͎̣͔͍͇̣̞̹̞̰̫̬̼͎̜͕̯̟̺̲̗̣̬͎͕̱̘̫̤͖̺̺̼̻͚̦̬̺̼̺̪̺͍͉̝̮̭̠̭̹͓̰̻̙̠̣͙̥̤̰̣͔̻̱̳̞̻̯͉͇̠̞͕͚͉̟͈̣̖̟͉͔̩̜̯̪̼̮̳̘̟̘͕̖͓̞̱̺̯̤͓̖̺̟͚̪͔̻̼̪̣̬̻̥̣͓̥̼̦̘͉̱̤͉͚̱͚͇͔̝͓̬̗̭̦̝̝̺͇̞͎̙̥̜͔̥͉͉̬̱̘̫̠̘̣͚̣̹̘͈̱̹̗͉͙̤̱̥͎̮̺̫̟̘͙̠͙͙͓͍̪͈͎̖͖̘͕͉̰̪̬͎̪̳̮͕͍͓͔͓̭̗̤̖͚͕̺͖̣̜̝̲̳͍̺̖̮̻̖̫̰̬̱̘̥̜̝̹̱͓̣̦̤͓̮̜̮̳̝͔̙͙͍̭̭̩̙̱̩̹̰̫͉̻̪͚͓̼̝̠̙̟͍̣͓̻̟͇͖̞͉̘̭͉̯͔̭̲̥͎͉̦̖̖̳͕͎͖̻̰̝̼̼͚̮̟͚̱̪̲̭͉̤͙͇̺͖̳̻͔̤̪̜̦̺̳̟̮͈̪͎̰͙̣͓̬̗̣̤̜̘͉̠͓̰̟̣̥͖̩̖̭͚̼̰̻̩̙̻͎͖̹̠̪͚͕̦̦̗̩̺͓̖̤̺̩̼̲̥̖͕̳̻̙͚̻̘͇̳̫̗̹͈̙̣̟̜̣̺̟̝̪͓̮̮͕̬͚̩͖͕̞̦̰̤̗̙͍̙̪̮͓̜̟͚̭̰͚̙̫̼͕͚̖͍̳͉̖̯͇̥̫̲͙͉̲̣̩̭̻͓̜̙̫̤̟͓̖̮͍̦͕̻̲̺͔̱̳̫̣͎̪͕̯̟̹̞͔͙̠̙̘̹̱̝͕͔̥̖̦̗̙̘̙͙̮͍̗̼̩̫̫̹̞̞͉̞̭͇̱̺̰̣̲̻̲̳͔̻̦̬̯̰͚̝̮͍͙͓̳̞͚͚̰̬̗̮͕̖͙͚͇̖̩͍͎̟̥̩̫̙̬̪͇͉̥͔̘̠͕̞̮̥̺̺̗͎̩̣͉̝̬̺̖̱̟̩͕̺̙̝̤̤̹͕̹͔̺̖̠̺͖̟̪͍̠̞̻̬͖̹͙͚͓̯̩̯͚̜͔̰͖̯̮̭͈͇͉̱̙̹̞͇̤̳̬̣̖̘͚͍̪̺͚̻̣̪̫͔̱̪̗̲̬̮̖̳͎̘̘̝̺̮̻͎̩͓̩͚̱̱̰̖͔͔̖̟̙̬͕̼̺̘̺̬̥̫̽̊͐̊̌͗̅̃̄̂̐̀̃͛̈͛̉͋̽̔̈́̎͂͑͛̓̓̔̌̇̏̍̈́͑̋̓͆̏̉̋̓̽̒̽̆͛͒̋͛͆̑͌̃̄́̃̆̒͑̉͆̓̑̀̿̂̇̈́̿̔́̈́͌͛͒̃̔̊̔̾̌̌̑͊̈̔͗̍̈́̇̎̎̈͐̿̈́̓̿̔̌̒̊̔̀͊̐̏̂̔̿̉̌͑͋̒͒́̈́͆̍̏̂́̓͛̄̒̈́́͗̽̅̍́̊́́̄́̽͆̑̊̂͛͗͊̈́̍̆̂̾̀̅̀̽̀̓̓́̓̇̋͛̃̈́͒̅̈́͛̐̍͛̈̓̍͛͌̽̔̃͒̏̌͛̽̌̽͛̂̈́́́̋̍̑͗͐̈́͑͑͛̿͒̋̐͛̋̔̈́̿̎̇̎͐́̉̓̀̾͛͐̈̀̍͌̀̂̊̎́̐̆̐̋̈̈́̈̈́̄̈́͐̎̉̉́̋̎͂̎͂̈̋͋̿̌͑̃̾̽̉͒̈́̃̃̐̀̐͗̿̑̌̂̏͆̾͗͑͊̈́͐̐̀͌̒̅́́͐̌̀̑͋͋̀͆͌͒͐̐͒̎̀̎̓̎͊̅͒̆̋̽͗̈́̎̈́̾̅͌͆̊̄͒́̈́̈́̒̀͗͊̎̅̽̓̓͋̆̇̄͗͌̋̽͆̓̑̃͒͂͋͋͐̈́̔̍͌̏͌̎̀͋̔́̌̄̓͋̃̋̈͂̓̀̿͒̂̀̈́̋̃̆͗̾͛̆͋̊̈́̈͊̍̅͋̈́̄̉̇̀̓̆͒̂̀̆͌͊̈́̎̾̑̃͒͒͌̏̽̓̃̄̒̓̃̾̒̊͑͂̾̏͆͋̎̊́͗́̿̋̿̔̂̈́̈́́̈́͒̀͋̈́̀̉̌̎̌̿̽̇̓͐͗̀͒̃̑͋̃͒̃͂͐̀̂̎̏̆͐͛̈̃̐̐͊̆̃͗̽̽̐̔̎̿͑͑̆̎́͂͑̑͋̈́͑́͐͂̾̄̆̑̉̊͋̉̔̎̌͋̎̀͂̇̊̌̆̏̊͊̓͐̂͒͌͆̃̒̒̐͆̓͒̆́̓̿̍̂̀̈́͋̀͗̍̿͂͋̀͌̄̉̎̐͒́̎̅̎̈̎̉̉̓̉̀̐͒͑̔̈́̈́̏̑͐̔͊̽͒̍͒͊̏̆̈́͂̈́̓̉̒͋̈́́̈́̀͂̋̿̓̌͊̏̋̂̎̉́̈̏̍̿̂̒̑͑͛̃͑́͑̋̑̊̓̄̐̒́͑̄͒͂̏̅͑͛̽̾͌̀̐̒̽̐̆͆͒͑̿̎͌̐́̈̀̍͐̉̄͆̂̄͛͌̈́̓̌͆͗̋͊̔̈́̄͑̂͆͂̇̅̆͌͌̌̈́̂͒͋̂͐̀̍͂̾̄͆͘͘͘̕̚̕̚͘̕͘̕̚̕̕̚̕̚̕͘͘̚͘̚̕͘͘̚̕͘͘̕̚̚͘̕͘̚͘̕̚̕̚̕̕̚͘͘̕͘̕͘̕̚͘̚͘̕̚̚͘͘̕̕̕̕̕̚̚͘͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͠͠͠͝͠͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͠͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅH̶̢̧͇̗̲͖͚͍̲̣̥̔͂̈̈́̓ᴇ̷̙̰̗̪͉́ʟ̷̯̪̣͕̦̹͌̓͆̈̕ʟ̶̨̛͎̻̻̜͙̥͓͓̝̖͙͕̍̈̀̌̿̀̅̐͆̃̍̍ͅᴏ̸̢̢̛͚̹̰̠͋̇̂̾̂͛̈́͛̕͠!̵̼͕̟̫̲̲̗̱͓̳̈̋̈ͅ ̸̢͚̗̥̥̹̹̘̙̱̣̬̲͙̄̂͂͌͗Â̸͕̙̪̫̪͕͇̓̉̈́͋̀̆͝ͅᴇ̸͕̟̥̺̿̌̀̋̿̇̕͝ͅᴛ̵̼̂̄̇͐́͛̂̀ʀ̴̻͕̍́̆̋̊̅̇̐͛̊͐̈́̄̕͝ᴜ̷̯̥̺̫̺͔̼̈̑̋͋͜ʟ̴̛̗̙̖͚̊̍,̴̧͙̲̫͈̲̯̰̘̞̟͊͆ ̴͇̉́̓͗͂́̍̚ᴡ̸̧͙̹͉̣͔̥̝͎̝̙͕͕̫̓̄́͐̄̀̍̈̔̐̔͘͘ʜ̸̯̳͕̫̈̇͊̅͆̐ᴀ̸̡̠͔͍̩̗̘̹̯̺͉̯̀̈́̈́̿̽̈́͊͛̅̃́̒͜͜͝ᴛ̸̬̪̩̱̖̔̋͋͌̾̊̀̏̾̈̈́̑̌͛͒ ̷̼̎̑̉͆̕̕ͅʙ̸̙̼̤̩͕̥̰̤̣̠̇͋ʀ̵͖̩̮̳̪͍͋́̀̐͌͌̇̈̿́̚ͅɪ̷̙̇̈ɴ̴̼͍̻̘͐̏͋͋̿̋͆̍̾͝ɢ̵͎̲̣̻̪͎͈̌̉̌̈͐͊͂̆̾͐̕̕s̷̛͖̣̃͒̾́̀̀͘͘̕͠ͅ ̵̙͚̪̞́̐̈́̍͐̄̀̀̆͋̀̅̾͘̚ʏ̸̡̡̛̝̝̙̰̲̱͙̪̱͓̻́̽͂̀͗̿͋̉̈̈́̈̇ᴏ̷͔̖̻̖͍̳̣̭̰̜͒ᴜ̸̡̘͔̼͎̈̔̅̂͑͘ ̵̨̖̖̫̹͙̼̮̩̖̤̓͋̀̈̂͗͊͜ͅʜ̸̢̻͚̻̖͖̏̔͂̆͑̑ᴇ̷̧͉̘̫̩͎̇̿́ʀ̵̧͉̬̟̘͖̥̌̏̉͐͌͜͜͠͠ᴇ̶̢̖̳̲̤̝̻̳͉̭̐͐̊͂͌͆̏̋!̸͓̺̉̈́͗̋́͑?̸̨̛̲̯̝̼̍͆͑̚

A: You fucking die today, BORB BEHIND ME NOW.

B:... OK!!!!

On that day, a fight would begin, and Aetrul would start a war on this creature, this pure black, chain-faced, no eyed, large toothy jawed creature...

eidk: *corrupted sounds*

eidk: *grabs with robo arms*

To be continued...

That's honestly a good story Tak, great job!

MandelaGuy moment! Grace but Coolguy and Borb sing it.

Specifically the new grace! The upcoming v2 version.

Wait there's a upcoming version?

Yeah! It was teased on the creators twitter, and the full version is on youtube and on the funkipedia page.

Can you give me the sauce?

here is the gamer sauce

Putting these as notes in case I make this a real thing.

CorruptCrew Catalogue

Grace, Meri v Radical

Think, Coolguy+Aetrul v Radical (halfway thru song it changes from coolguy to aetrul, single cellphone moment)

Scary Night, Soip v Ello

Distraught, Coolguy+Aetrul v Meri (halfway thru song it changes because aetrul has had enough)

Gift, Sains v Ello "I'M DONE WITH YOU NOW!" (ello fucking dies lmao)

Th0nk, B-side Coolguy v EEGGEE

Hell nah


420 whatcha smokin

my sonic oc

you gave sonic red eyes and scribbled on his quills bruh


i literally cant tell if this is satire or not

Soooooooo when's the last time ive been here again?

12 days ago

Corrupt Crew Variant of the Ctp poster.

If you have a question about someone's fate, I will gladly answer.

draw a corruption version of me with an arm cut off

Corrupt crew isn't the fnf corruption. And no.

i like how im just a fucking alternate

This is based off of Aetrul's Corrupt Crew au, however I did a few adjustments to certain characters (logger) and had to come up with completely new designs (scott, Opheebop the funi, ect.)



secret historiesSupa Mecha Dylan

whos gonna steal THAT though (not in a mean way, all im saying is it could use a bit of improvement)

Idk if that's a compliment or something else..

im making a remastered version, just wait...


dylan the hedgehog


Ctp community poster... 

This is a sort of love letter to the community... I've had tons of laughs, arguments, surprises, and more here... Honestly, this is an amazing group of people, even if it's small. We've all been through a lot together, and I can't wait to see what happens next. And whatever does happen, just know that we will all be in this together. I'm happy to say that this community has helped me improve as a person. I've learned a lot more about understanding others, even if I've learned it in harsh ways... I want to thank every last one of you for what you've helped build here... Whether you're super active on here, or super quiet here, whether you're male, female, non-binary, whatever you are... You've all helped to shape a magnificent community, and it really couldn't be done without you all... I know we've lost a lot of our numbers ever since you-know-who deleted the ctp's, but we have persevered through the worst, and worked for the best...

I messed up on the sizes of characters, so I had to make some characters hella small (lagstep, 3er, eidk, chitoz, soip, logger, Loaf, G̶̶̷̸̸̷̨̹̩̳͎͙͎̜̊̊͂́̀̚͘͠͝h̸̶̸̸̷̵̵̠̲̙͕͚̮̞̦̙̭̝̱̎̈̊̀̂̋̓̃͂̚͝ơ̸̵̵̴̵̷̶̘̹̳̥̰̫̟̟͚̱͇̔̃̌̔̈́͛͒̀̈͐͜͝͝s̸̶̵̴̶̸̸̡̖̩͍̫̥̹̙̳͇̆͌͆̒͛̐̍͛̿̈́͂̚t̶̸̸̷̶̶̢̫̝̹̮̱̜̊̌͗̋̈́̏̈́̎͆̓͜W̵̶̸̴̸̴̭͖̣̠̰̭͛͌̏̏̒͐͊̌͌͋ͅo̶̶̶̸̸̷͖͉̪̪̯̼̦͔͓̍͐́̐̿̌͛͘͜͝l̴̶̸̸̷̶̵̛͈͇̙̤̩̘̘̯̘̠̜̲̃͋̇̎̄̌͆͘ͅf̷̴̸̵̸̡̠̬̼̱̲̪͗͋̂̍̾̓̈́͘͘ͅ, Kevin, Cheese, Tak)

I swear to god if someone says "oh you forgot ___" FUCK OFF. This took like 7 hours to make, mainly because pixil fucking SUCKS DONKEY BALLS... Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. 

I'd recommend opening the image in a new tab or something so you can more easily zoom in.

Also, if you're wondering how I perfectly got the colors right, well... When using the color picker tool, once you have the color, you can ctrl+c the hex# and ctrl+v it onto the hex# input for pixil... So that also made time a lot longer... But it's better than having the colors off...

Thank you all for the wild ride... And here's to more fun in the future.      -Coolguy

"The perfect community poster doesn't exi-" "OH SHIT"

Also I might do something funny with this image

(1 edit)

Awww! Thank you for the compliment! 

Also if you do fuck with it please give me credit.

dont thank him, he tryed to dox me 23 hours ago

oh i just realised

i see me talking to a big boobed character that looks like the crimson paw from the bad guys

This is the best thing since sliced bread!... Oh shit...

Bro, you're the reason this community has stuck together for so long. If you hadn't taken action then I fear this community wouldn't have survived... Also, amazing poster, I have a new favorite image!

he tryed to fucking dox me

He's talking about me, not aetrul.

Even then Aetrul tested the link before he sent it to you and found out the link doesn't properly work... So he wouldn't have had your ip anyway.

what happened

Aetrul sent a ip grabber link to borb, Aetrul knew the link did not work, so no harm was done. But for pulling a stunt like that we agreed on a 1 week ban. Aetrul will be back on next monday.

aetrul tryed to dox me, heres proof

Hold on, you can edit text so theres a chance that he was trolling... I want to wait til I get a word back from him.

i clicked the link and it said grabify on my url thingy

I digged deeper, removed the /643287hu3ij from it so it was just the or whatever, and... It leads to grabify... I'm gonna have a discussion with him... Don't worry.


Plus, from what I saw I don't think Aetrul would do that over something as silly as calling hima pigeon... But if I find out that its a actual ip-grabber, he's gonna be banned for at least 2 weeks if not a month, no joke.

i feel so left out

Your welcome man. You have been one of my best people i have known. I'd love to say, Here's to some more wild rides in the future

- Radical

Confronting your OG self



Portal Conversions. Control but its a Coolguy and Borb cover (OswaldLuck is also here lmao)

Lore: The entity that can control Aetrul and Ello has now come into possession of Coolguy, while Borb fights the monster off, OswaldLuck charges his powers... If gone right, OswaldLuck can fire a burst of energy that will bring Coolguy back into possession of his body... 

However, after the battle ends, this doesn't work... And the Possessed Coolguy causes Borb and OswaldLuck to get caught in the portal... Now Borb and OswaldLuck are both separated from each other... 


I posted a picture of me with my cat on my shoulder like a parrot on guilded. It was nice.


(1 edit)

Everyone reply to 3er's but replace the number for the word to the next

Ex: Fifth - Sixth

Well now you gotta change it to 3er

Deleted 2 years ago
last updated 8 days ago but ok

Look at these 3 little funny guys

You, Cg, And lagstep

Ctp Trouble but its a mashup of all previous ctp triple troubles.

3er from the Triple Drawers Cover

Soip from the Triple Ctp Extras Cover

Atr(trul) from the Triple Trul Cover

Coolguy from the Triple Coolguy's Cover

And Finally Radical, from the original CTP crew triple trouble made by me.

This was just a fun Idea I had in my mind... And it came out great! 


Holy shit! You adapted it really well CoolShit!!!! Great Job!!!!





download these and load them

dont u lecture me with your 30 dollar memes by eidk *mid* :| (

Introducing a new ctp timeline

We have the canon timeline, SNS timeline, Corrupt-Crew timeline...

But now, the Civil War Timeline...

More lore later

dog from bfdi mini


(1 edit) (-1)

sonic x tails rule 34 is super illegal

First game: Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)

Game series: Sonic the Hedgehog

Species: Hedgehog

Age: 15


He is the second character to consistently appear by Sonic's side in the series. The name "Miles Prower" is a pun on "miles per hour", a reference to the famed speed of Sonic the Hedgehog. He is a two-tailed fox, hence the nickname.


Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog)

(+1)(-1) my guilded server!


ctp chat whats ur guilded server?


Loafs ctp server (poo poo)

MY SERVER (not poo poo)

Join both but mine is better

(1 edit)

poo poo

i drew this now send me requests

knuckles wants ideas



but hunky


fun fact: tails is 8, confirmed by sega

in his biography hidden in the sonic cd sound test, it says he is in-fact eight, therefore people who make tails rule34  is making porn of a toddler

i know but this is uncanon and uncanonically hes 29 ;)

... Pedo?


im 12

how can a kid be a pedo

hes uncanonically 29 cause sonic 2 was 29 years ago.

also thats not rule 34 how is hunkiness rule 34

its just tails but cody from sml

Here;s the google definition

 A man's quality of being large, strong, and sexually attractive. 'they shriek with excitement at his hunkiness'

f r i c k

am i technically canceled now


pipe B.O.M.B


also fixed mugman and cuphead  1st sprites for pibby


look closely
do you see where this came from?


Henry stickman

also i mean the website


lgbt dates back to 2400 bce

24th century BCE. c. 2400 BCE – Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum are believed to be the first recorded same-sex couple in history.

(1 edit)

holy cheese

Holy Cheese Studios (@holycheese_film) / Twitter



when i get to use dall e 2 im typing in "holy cheese"

dont question me


If the Glitch Took Over Cuphead: Don't Deal With The Devil



Final Results Mugman


If the Nightmare took over Cuphead: Don't Deal With The Devil



Mugman (Take 2)

nightmare isnt a corruption stop being stupid

Why you gotta be so rude?

suop up

no u

you must be coo coo craz

do any of you guys use discord???

discord is for pedophiles we use something better

Like guilded

Sonic Pipe Bomb Sticker - Sonic Pipe Bomb - Discover & Share GIFs

ok, i like your pfp


Deleted 2 years ago

That is the most bipolar thing I've ever heard.

ancient ahh umbreon 💀

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Yes, you're saying that just because you changed your pfp, that means you are now a different personality.

Deleted 2 years ago

yep, your pfp is what makes your personality, definetely not your genes and/or family

(1 edit)

MS_memer_group holy shit that sucks man Memes & GIFs - Imgflip

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